
The International Sustainability Institute was established to further the development of sustainable research and thought, advocating global fiscal and financial sustainability.

The Institute provides a forum for the exchange and development of new ideas between stakeholders across the Channel Islands and the offshore world.

The work of the Institute is concentrated in the areas of global fiscal and financial sustainability. Areas where the intellectual capital and professional expertise of the Channel Islands and other offshore centres can be harnessed in the pursuit of global good. Through the development of a core research programme, the Institute contributes to global thinking on strategy and policy in these chosen policy areas.

Our Advisory Council

The International Sustainability Institute’s Advisory Council is an advisory body comprising members with significant depth of expertise and experience of international policy issues to provide independent governance and oversight to the work of the organisation.

Founder & Director of Research

Dr Andy Sloan

Dr Sloan has global policy expertise at the highest levels of financial services, tax and regulation spanning three decades. First as the States of Guernsey’s Chief Economist and lead international fiscal policy advisor, then as the Guernsey Financial Services Commission’s ('GFSC') Director of Financial Stability and International Policy Advisor, and latterly as Deputy Chief Executive, Director of Strategy of Guernsey Finance. He established a strong reputation with onshore policy makers and, following the Brexit referendum, was asked to join the Corporation of London/City UK International Regulatory Strategy Group, contributing to its work for five years. He was also a member of the British Venture Capital Association’s Channel Islands’ Working Group for five years. Dr Sloan has strong credentials in sustainable finance. He was an expert reviewer on finance for the International Panel on Climate Change (‘IPCC’) Working Group III's Sixth Assessment Round. He established Guernsey’s sustainable finance initiative and was pivotal in securing Guernsey’s participation in the United Nations Finance Centre’s for Sustainability Network in 2018. Dr Sloan left Guernsey Finance in 2021 to establish the International Sustainability Institute.